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Thursday, January 17, 2008
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Staying alive
Goodbye 2007. You were great, but 2008 will be better.
For me, 2007 was all about making things happen. I made a lot of decisions. I'm usually complacent about things and I tend to operate on autopilot, but last year I actually got off my butt.
I decided to learn how to drive. After living in NY for six years, I finally got a learner's permit and actually signed up for lessons. Yes, I did fail my road test twice, but that's besides the point. Now I know how to drive, I just have to convince the DMV that I do.
I also decided to finally consider going back to school seriously. I scheduled for the TOEFL, stressed over the speaking and listening part (I have a selective hearing problem), grew my first strand of white hair practically overnight, and later found out that I didn't have to take it after all. Kebs. Those GMAT books that I bought 3 years ago? I cracked them open again. Of course, I had to buy new reviewers, too, so that I ended up having too much study material and not enough study time. Now that I think about it though, I miss the long hours spent in Starbucks nursing my drink and solving math problems. I'm sure there'll be plenty of that as I'll be starting at Baruch this spring. Ah, fruit of my pseudo efforts.
I decided to break up with the best boyfriend in the world to be with somebody else. It really is awful and it made me sick to think I could do something like that, but I think I dealt with it quite well, and didn't hurt people's feelings more than necessary. I still get flak from people who don't know any better, but hey, I also decided I'm going to quit apologizing for being myself. And I don't regret it because my boyfriend is quite the bomb diggity. Yay!
Just before the year ended, I decided to leave my comfort zone/s and if all goes well and according to God's plans, I might be blogging about some big changes soon.
This year I want to have a better relationship with my main man up there. I want to do good in school, at work, and in my relationship. And I want to get a better handle of my finances. Oh, and I want a driver's license, please God.
Happy 2008!
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