Time takes time you know
Last week-end I played laser tag for the first time. I've always wanted to try it out but never got to until this week-end. My team won, of course. I wanted to try the batting cages but everyone else seemed so good I chickened out. The last time I held a baseball bat was third year high school.
I'm having a grand time. Really. Sometimes I still wonder. What if circumstances had been different and I didn't have to come here and I never met this person. What if I really was meant to be with who I thought I was meant to be with. Or what if I had convinced myself I could be stupid for once and be with a jerk. Then I'd never be on the receiving end of so much kindness and thoughtfulness.
I've been trying to come in earlier at work lately. Trying to bring lunch from home so I won't have to spend so much money on food. (Starbucks Frappuccino is $.99 at Duane Reade!) Trying to remember to pay my bills on time. (Heat costs me about $125 a month; this with the thermostat at 65 and me in my trusty old oversized Hanes sweatshirt) Maybe I'll take a day off and get my learner's permit soon.
Last week-end I played laser tag for the first time. I've always wanted to try it out but never got to until this week-end. My team won, of course. I wanted to try the batting cages but everyone else seemed so good I chickened out. The last time I held a baseball bat was third year high school.
I'm having a grand time. Really. Sometimes I still wonder. What if circumstances had been different and I didn't have to come here and I never met this person. What if I really was meant to be with who I thought I was meant to be with. Or what if I had convinced myself I could be stupid for once and be with a jerk. Then I'd never be on the receiving end of so much kindness and thoughtfulness.
I've been trying to come in earlier at work lately. Trying to bring lunch from home so I won't have to spend so much money on food. (Starbucks Frappuccino is $.99 at Duane Reade!) Trying to remember to pay my bills on time. (Heat costs me about $125 a month; this with the thermostat at 65 and me in my trusty old oversized Hanes sweatshirt) Maybe I'll take a day off and get my learner's permit soon.