Friday, April 16, 2004

Domain down Up and running

It was a picture perfect day in DC.

We spent 15 minutes taking pictures of what we later realized was the BACK of the Capitol.

Cops lined the road leading to the White House, the entrance was blocked, and sirens went off. Somebody important must be arriving, we said. We didn't stick around long enough to find out.

I like this sculpture. At the National Gallery of Art.

This guy sold photos with a cardboard cut-out of Bush for $5.

Industrial spider with long, spindly legs.

There are so many nice buildings in DC, and half of them have inscriptions.

On the way to Virginia Beach.

Stalls along the main avenue.

The beach was deserted except for a few kids throwing frisbees, oblivious to the cold.

This is me, reflected on an aquarium at the Virginia Marine Science Museum. Also posted at mirrorproject.

We sat on a bench by the shore and pretended not to be shivering.

Randomness of random things

I would very much like to post pictures and kuwento (stories) but I have to wait for my new host. Easyspace sucks big time, man. They put banners on your page, and you have to pay an additional 45 bucks to have them taken out. I had to pay $7.50 so I could transfer my domain.

In the meantime, interesting story (for me, haha). The other day I fell asleep on the subway and woke up only when the lady beside me said it was the last stop. Thank God for the kindness of strangers, or I would have found myself in an empty train in the middle of who-knows-where. I didn't want to cross the platform and take the train going the opposite way as soon as I stepped off the train because I was terribly embarrassed, of course. So I exited and found myself in an unfamiliar neighborhood. It was like being in a suspense/thriller movie. The lead character takes the train, falls asleep and finds himself in a strange neighborhood, unlike any he has ever been to. He tries to reach his destination but he keeps falling asleep and missing his stop and finding himself in unfamiliar places. Of course, I was only about twenty blocks away from home, so it wasn't exactly that strange, but indulge my imagination I'm bored. There was a library right there though, so I went in and borrowed a couple of books.

Bill got the apprentice position. I thought he deserved to win even though he did resemble a hurricane in the last episode. Donald Trump wanted to copyright "You're fired" but apparently it's already owned by some woman in the midwest who stamps it on the bottom of her pottery.

Some bored Asian guys made their own milk and cereal. I liked this better than the other one, although why I would take the time to compare them is beyond me.

Yesterday, I downloaded a Gloria Estefan song. Fool, don't judge me.

Monday, April 12, 2004


Spending the week-end with my friends was awesome. We drove around in circles in DC and Virginia but I had the best time. I love my friends! (Pictures next time, maybe.)