Sunday, April 06, 2003

A girl is a verb

The apartment still smells of salmon a little bit. I've been lighting incense like crazy and we opened the windows, so it's been better. We had the cousins over for dinner. Had mushrooms with garlic, salmon and swordfish, stuffed peppers. Ten minutes before they arrived, I had to run to the corner to get dessert - black forest cake - from the little French pastry shop. It's wonderful having everything so close. I've a newfound interest in cooking, usually involving mushrooms and bacon.There's a thrift shop a few blocks away that we've been frequenting, and where most of our "new" furniture comes from. They have really good, sturdy pieces though. Incidentally, I'm also very, very broke.

A friend from high school visited some weeks ago. Mario was my seatmate. He and I and the other guy in our row called ourselves M Cubed because our names all start with M, and I was M sub 1 and he was M sub 2. God. Our Science teacher had a soft, soothing voice and I'd usually sleep and ask Mario to wake me up when there were new notes on the board. So I was very glad when he emailed me and said he was going to be in Rhode Island for a month (He's doing experiments for a study on tropical diseases. How cool is that?) and that he was going to spend a week-end in New York. So we went to Madame Tussaud's, had dinner at our favorite Japanese restaurant in Chinatown, and watched Rent, as much as we could cram into a day. After the show, we just stood in the middle of Times Square and basked in the light of the signs.

I didn't like Rent as much as I expected to. I found the plot a little disjointed. I didn't like the set too much. I thought some of the songs didn't quite hit it. I thought the characters were charming, though. I can see how it was such a breakthrough when it opened back in '96. Jonathan Larson, who died just days before his show opened takes controversial topics - drugs, sex, homosexuality, AIDS, not your typical Broadway show theme - and talks about them through the mouths of relatable characters. By the way, Taye Diggs seems to be coming up a lot lately. He was the original Benny in Rent, I saw Chicago a few weeks ago where he played the bandleader, and I just saw Go again, where he plays Simon's (one of the main characters) friend.

I just read from Ramon's blog that Leslie Cheung killed himself. He played Tony Leung's lover in Happy Together. And I just happen to have rented Happy Together (which I haven't seen) and now I'm dying to watch it eventhough it's 1 am and I was planning to call friends up in the Philippines. Oh well. I guess I can pay off my sleep debt tomorrow.

{Girl, Frente}