Saturday, February 28, 2004

Chut up! Chut up!

Awful day at work. At least it was the kind of bad day that's really bad, it can't be anything else. I mean, if you're going to have a bad day anyway, why not make it the worst day possible.

In other news, my first-fifteen-songs-in-randomized-mp3-player list:

1. Carole King - So Far Away
2. Polaris - She is Staggering
3. Tenacious D - Wonder Boy
4. Mates of State - Hoarding It For Home
5. Butter 08 - What Are You Wearing
6. Mates of State - Nice Things That Look Good
7. That Dog - She Looks At Me
8. Jack Johnson - Posters
9. All Girl Summer Fun Band - Look of Love
10. Ciudad - Richie the Rockstar
11. Juliana Hatfield - Somebody is Waiting for You
12. Bright Eyes - Something Vague
13. Meryn Cadell - Secret
14. Mates of State - Quit Doin' It
15. Rocketship - Kisses Are Always Promises

Can you say Mates of State fan?


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