Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas list

Yay! I did my online Christmas shopping na. Anyways, these are the stores I've been purchasing from:

1. fredflare.com
2. uncommongoods.com
3. wishingfish.com

My gifts include:

1. Napoleon Dynamite sleep mask
2. faux bacon strip bandages - band-aids that look like strips of bacon!
3. stapleless stapler
4. computer vac - includes mini brushes, etc.
5. pig and dachsund corn holders - skewers you stick in both ends of corn on the cob so you won't have to hold the corn.
6. butter couple - butter boy and butter girl butter holders.
7. reversible hat that makes baby look like a lion!

It's hard to explain and I'm too lazy to put links and I have to shower, but I will post pictures soon because my Christmas list is rocking this year. Ok go!


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