Thursday, April 28, 2005

Fine, fine time

1)Name the Things You Have Bought Today:
- I had coffee for breakfast, a chicken quesadilla for lunch, various beverages, a slice of mushroom pizza for dinner.

2)Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
-- Water, coffee, tea, juice.

3)Last Time You Cried ?
-- Tuesday, while reading a book

4)What's In Your CD Player ?
-- I haven't been using my CD player lately. The Avenue Q soundtrack is playing on my iPod.

5)What's Under Your Bed ?
-- Piano pieces, shoes, Christmas cards for next year, my rollerblades, and I suspect a lot more.

6)Time You Wake Up Today?
-- 7:30

7)Current hair:
-- Long. I need at least 15 inches for Locks of Love.

8)Current Clothes?
-- Blue reversible striped tank, chiffon blouse with yellow tulip print, chocolate brown slacks, khaki blazer

9)Current Desktop Picture?
-- Me and Rocs at the recollection seven years ago.

10)Current Worry?
-- Tomorrow's month-end and I want to get to work by 9 am, but I have to watch Ashes of Time tonight and I'm procrastinating by blogging!

11)Current Hate?
-- One of my toes is bleeding. No sign of wound. (?)

12)Favorite Places To Be?
-- Battery Park, at a diner eating a huge breakfast on Saturday mornings, Alexander Hamilton's grave

13)Least Favorite Place?
-- subway stations at 2 am

14)If You Could Play An Instrument, what would it be?
-- I play some instruments, but I would love to learn to play the cello.

15)Favorite Color(s)?
-- green

16)How Tall Are You?
-- 5'1''

17)Current Favorite Word/s?
-- Cool, Estas seguro?, True

18)One wish that came true:
-- That my three-day class would be fun

19)Favorite Day?
-- Friday

20)Where Would You Like To Go Right Now?
-- I'd really like to go to bed

21)Where Do you want to live when you get married?
-- Probably in the suburbs

22)Favorite foods?
-- Currently, Jamaican beef patties, desserts at Serendipity

23)Color of most clothes you own:
-- white, black, green

24)Number of pillows you sleep w/?
-- 3

25)What do you wear when you go to sleep?:
-- Pajamas

26)What were you doing 12AM last night:
-- Talking to friends and eating cheesecake

27)How old will you be in 10 yrs:
-- 34. Whoa.

28)What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?
-- Working hard

29)Do you have braces?
-- Not anymore.

30)Are you paranoid?!
-- I can be.

31)Do you burn or tan?
-- Midway between burn and tan.

32)what is the brand of your wallet?
-- Kenneth Cole

33)Your alarm clock?
-- Aiwa

34)Your phone?
-- Nokia

35.)your bag?
-- My favorite spring bag is from Gap,

-- Sony

37)First real memory of something?
-- lying on a hammock with pillows on our porch in Sagay

38)First screen name?
-- Hobbes

39)First piercing/tattoo?
-- Ears.

40)First enemy?
-- Yikes, the boys who lived across the street who used to tease my sister and I because we were so much fatter than they were.

41)Last library book checked out?
-- I haven't checked out a library book in a long time. I've been rereading Jessica Zafra's Twisted books.

42)Last person you yelled at?
-- I don't usually yell.

43)Last crush?
-- This guy from my class who always tied his answers to the day's topic.

44)Last CD/song played?
-- There's a Fine, Fine Line (between love and a waste of time)

45)Last fud you ate?
-- Pizza

46)Last annoyance?
-- I couldn't find my metrocard in my mess of a bag and missed the train.

47)Last disappointment?
-- I thought I didn't articulate myself well enough in class.

48)Last thing written by hand?
-- Worksheet in class.

49)Last words spoken?
-- Good night

50)Last ice cream eaten?
-- Mango. I think I'll have some now.


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